Now I agree with this statement.
"Most people die or sick on Monday."
I'm having a fever.
Maybe getting too high during Biology class.
The polar bear things.
Not feeling well after lunch break.
My head was spinning.
Gastric pain.
After I had reached home, mama used the thermometer to test my body temperature.
38.6 degree celsius.
I don't know if that's really serious or not.
Just feel like my brain is be-ing squeeze.
I don't want go to see doctor because they will sure treat my like AH1N1 patient.
I don't like it. Secondly, see doctor = use money. Why I need to see doctor when I have the pills?
Mama said my face was so red, like tomato. But not as a compliment especially you are sick, right?
So I took antibody pills and panadols and had a deep sleep.
I though I can go to school today.
But I still having headache.
I miss Chemistry experiment.........
I hate this......
Now I'm turning better.
Just keep on sweating.
How to write Surat Sakit???
Aiyo...... Headache.. Headache.....