Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's time to change, throw out the books and start again
Break all the rules, fall on your face, don't be ashamed
You can't waste more time, 'cause you've been gone for far too long
Trapped in his arms, safe without harm
Follow your heart, don't be afraid
You think that you're OK
But I don't believe in what you say
You think that it's too late
But it's not good, good enough for you
Don't hide away
'Cause I know that you've got what it takes
I believe you can be what you wanna be
Let yourself go, don't you worry about a thing
Breaking the chains - so hard to begin
Follow your heart, don't be afraid
You think that you're OK
But it's not good, good enough for you
Don't hide away
'Cause I know that you've got what it takes
I believe you can be what you wanna be
Don't hide away
'Cause I know that you've got, got what it takes
And I believe you can be what you wanna be
Don't hide away
'Cause I know that you've got what it takes
I believe you can be what you wanna be
You can be what you wanna be
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Slow motion
Hate logging in Facebook.....
Need to wait 5 minutes ++..
Need to refesh a few times...
Damn slow........
Tortoise even faster than internet.....
Streamyx sux...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Don't misunderstanding, okie?
I'm not emo. (:
But I love STARS!!
I love these videos so much!
Beautiful videos, made into like movies.
Don't you think so? :D
p/s: the first video is the official one (:
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
3 dots can conclude all.
" . . . "
This stupid coco things drive me crazy!!
Fine la.... HATE ME WHATEVER YOU LIKE..........
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away
And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
It's a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear
Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
You'll find the way
Today's MUEST class was different from the other days.
We discussed about problems that teenagers' facing.
Then, Pn Caroline played a song, Hero, sang by Mariah Carey.
I love the lyric so much (:
Thanks Pn Caroline so much.
She made me felt better now (:
I will wake my heroin up (;
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
sorry ):
I give you a glance and keep walking.
No smiley face for you today.
Maybe someday I'll do.
Low Happiness Concentration
Happiness faded away.
Sorry if I don't smile to you,
because right now, I'm really down.
"Tension" she said.
But I don't want that word as an excuse.
I know what I've been doing...
"Serve me right" suite me better...
Keep going, life's still move on.
I gotta be strong.
Just that I'm too tired to be strong now...
I should buy a big bunch of bananas.
Bananas are good happiness promoter, according to newspaper.
So, buy me some banana cake, banana milk, banana chocolate sticks, chocolate banana cake.......
p/s: Grace, I wanna keep my third wish because it's not easy to get a good genie like you (:
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Shy That Way
You know you'r stunning
absolutely stunning
and I'm running
always running
and now I'm crying
you know only cause I'm caring
and if you were more daring
maybe you'd stop staring
and come over and talk to me
and tell me about "how you've been waiting patiently"
and how you tried
but I just turned away
and I'll say, "yeah well you know, I'm shy that way"
Shy that way
Shy that way
Maybe I'm shy that way
You know she's stunning
she's absolutely stunning
but she's always running
but I'll catch up to her
the way she keeps her distance keepin my interest
so I'll keep it consistent
Maybe someday, someway, somehow, sometime
We'll get together and we'll break it down
and I'll ask, "why you gotta be so shy, why you gotta be that way?"
Well maybe, baby, I like it that way shy that way
Maybe I, like it shy that way
Maybe I love you so shy that way
Ok, I'm shy that way
There's always too much talking
and I wanna just keep walking
and I keep staring, baby, keep staring
though I may not know the right things to say
I'll get it out to you one day
Shy that way
Shy that way
Do you like it?
Do you like it when I'm shy
Yes I like it, yes I like it,
When your shy shy that way
crazying about this song :D
I ate 6 pieces of chocolate cookies, an ice-cream and a box of Rocky.
I'm FAT, so what?
I'm still mood less.
Planning for an escape.
I hate home works!!
Camfire's Burning
Quite excited because it's been years I didn't go to any campfire already.
Sorry for no photo posting because too dark already, my phone can't capture any photos clearly.
I saw Connaught SCOUT TROOP XD
But didn't spot anyone that I know =/
All most juniors that I never meet before...
All the scout troops didn't play tepukan much.
Not like our old days LOL
I love the fashion show so much~
Woots X3 The stage very nice~
The Snow White drama really LOL
Banana Skin is the key to "HAPPY FOREVER"
Quite relax and chilled yesterday night (:
Saw the kids making me felt old =________=
Miss the old days
Overall, NOT BAD :D
Jiayou jiayou Cochrane Scout Troop :D
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sinking myself in blue sea.
Hoping to get a breath.
Mood less.
Hardly smile.
It wasn't me today.
I don't know.
Maybe I'm tired.
Don't worry, I'll be okie.
Just let me blue for today, just one day.
Need to buy Happy Meal to cheer myself up (:
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Panda Issue
My panda eyes are getting serious......
Super Duper Serious..
Yesterday night I had a dream...
I dreamed that people caught me and put me into zoo...
Gorilla was sitting beside me..
So I said "Bro, do you have any ideas why so many people looking at me?"
"You really don't know?"
"If I know then I no need ask you la......."
"Look into the water yourself."
Alarm clock rang, and I woke up....
I am a panda.... = 3=
I remember a joke.
Do you know what's the most wanted thing that a panda wanna do in his/her life?
Take a colour picture of itself
If I really transform into panda, I wanna be the cutest panda XD
Friday, July 3, 2009
Art Day : Feelin Blue

Yuna - Blue Sands
Oh blue sands, can you tell me if I ever be happy?
Oh blue sands, can I stay here forever?
Oh blue sands, can you make them all go away?
Oh blue sands, what are you doing in my hair?
And everything will get better if I stay for a while
And we’ll find another way to be happy one day
And everything will get better if you hold on for a while
And the sea come and sweeps us away from here
Oh blue sands, will I ever get to marry my handsome friend?
Oh blue sands, can you make them understand?
And everything will get better if I stay for a while
And we’ll find another way to be happy one day
And everything will get better if you hold on for a while
And the sea come and sweeps us away from here
Oh blue sands, I don’t want to go up there and pretend
I’m okay
I don’t hate you anymore
I don’t hate you anymore
I don’t hate you anymore
I don’t hate you anymore
I don’t hate you anymore for the way you remind me of the person I cannot be
For the things I cannot have
I don’t hate you anymore when I look at you
All I see is the blue waves coming to get me and take me away
I don’t hate you anymore for the way you remind me of the things I cannot have
Oh blue sands will I ever get to be like you.
kinda into this song's mood
suite the picture that I drew too (:
Down to Drown
I had to sacrifice my papa potato, mama potato, and 5 gor gor, jie jie, mei mei, didi potatoes..
Their lives were being sacrifice worthlessly.....
I can't imagine how's my 2nd experiment going to be on next Monday...
Tell me how to score A!!!!!!
I WANT As!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not greedy, just 5 As enough...
I wonder how seniors study to get that high marks...................
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
There She Goes
I wasn't confirm about it until this morning it came out from her mouth.
She told me that she will be transfer to new school by tomorrow.
I really don't know how to react.
Yes, I'm happy for her because she got what she wants.
But part of me feel empty.
We had been classmate for3-4 years and study form 6 together.
Now we had to separate due to different path we lead.
Shin ar Shin, we use to be "LCLY" now become "LLY"
Anyway, wish you all the best! I know you can do everything well with your hardworking and keenness.
We still can go out for group study :D
And we haven't have breakfast at Old Town yet.